Private Preschool in Arlington, TX
On a typical day in the preparatory student’s life, children will enjoy table-top manipulatives, puzzles, blocks, and a morning visit to “Circle Time,” where teachers and students practice conversation and listening, rhymes and rhythms, and short stories.
Throughout a fun-filled, active day, private school children will work on building academic skills with plenty of opportunities for dramatic play, outdoor play, quiet time, lunch, and snacks. Working in groups children are encouraged to explore and discover, work together and celebrate each day’s achievements.

The 18 mos. to 3 yrs. Old Private Preschool Experience
Children’s University’s Preschool Program for children 18 months through 3 years old is a safe, happy environment designed to make learning fun and build confidence. Our specialized early learning curriculum uses rhymes, stories, and hands-on activities to encourage the first steps toward building the foundation skills for English, math, and science.
Children’s University uses creative learning techniques, such as music, to help memorize colors and shapes. Our Nature School program taps into their natural interest in science and nature, allowing children to explore the world around them. Other learning activities center on familiar processes: cooking, animal care, and dental care. We also introduce life skills such as computer keyboard recognition and beginning Spanish (at age 3).
From a young age, Children’s University focuses on preparing children for their Kindergarten and elementary school days. CU offers both Kindergarten and elementary school programs to make the transition smooth for students and their families.
To learn more about our private elementary school programs, visit our website.
The 4 yrs. Old Private Preschool Experience
Children’s University’s Pre-Kindergarten Program students are active and keenly interested in learning everything about themselves, their classmates, and the world around them. As they prepare for a smooth transition to Kindergarten, they reach out to begin forming an understanding of language & reading, mathematics, music, and arts & sciences. At our private school, children learn “how to learn” in a fun-filled classroom. They become proficient in the basic social skills needed for elementary school: sharing, taking turns, asking questions, following directions, and cooperating with others.
Our rich Pre-Kindergarten curriculum also includes an introduction to computer software, Spanish, simple machines, earth and natural science, kitchen chemistry, art appreciation, rhythm instruments, meteorology, and motor development through dance and games.

The Private Summer School Experience
Children’s University’s Summer School Program is a continuation of our Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Programs, followed by a relaxed mini-camp every afternoon. For 10 weeks during the summer, students are invited to join in our weekly themed academic Summer School. Children’s University’s Summer School includes academic classes, specialty classes, mini-camps, splash days, and on-campus field trips.
Private Summer School Fun Academic Classes include:
- Language Arts
- Phonics
- Math
Specialty Classes include:
- Science and Nature School
- Music and Movement
- Physical Education
- Computers and Smart Board
- Library
- Outdoor Learning Centers
- Spanish
- Art
- Maker Space
Mini-Camps include:
- Dynamic Design
- Sizzling Sensations
- Get Your Groove On
- Investigative Explorations
- Creative Character Connections
Children’s University Has It All
With education programs ranging from 18 months to 6th grade, plus summer learning opportunities, Children’s University truly has it all. Sending your child to CU will equip them with a lifelong love of learning and prepare them for the next step in their educational career.
Contact us for more information about our private preschool, Kindergarten, and elementary school programs.